Mai Marie Holm Lab

Mai Marie Holm Lab

  •  Department of Biomedicine, Aarhus University    


The brain is a plastic organ that constantly changes, depending on our experiences. It forms a delicately balanced network of excitatory and inhibitory neurons. Brain-related disorders disturb these physiological mechanisms, causing pathophysiological alterations. We analyze the underlying synaptic mechanisms with the aim of mapping the dysfunctions to enable targeting of disease mechanisms.

The lab is placed at Department of Biomedicine and shares research facilities with associate professor Morten Skovgaard Jensen who is a key collaborator on the projects. Furthermore, we are engaged in collaborations with DANDRITE, PROMEMO, TNU and other national and international partners.

We take advantage of transgenic animal models and combine these with pharmacological tools. We prepare thin brain sections for electrophysiological studies such as extracellular field recordings or patch-clamp analysis. Here we can tightly control the experimental conditions, apply pharmacological tools and precisely stimulate network activity, while concurrently analyzing the neuronal response and properties. Ultimately, our studies may help future patients suffering from brain-related disorders. 

Research focus

  • Hippocampal functionality in health and disease
  • Allosteric modulation of AMPA receptors in native synapses
  • Astrocytic modulation of synaptic transmission and plasticity
  • Excitatory-inhibitory imbalances in ALS models
  • Migraine as a disorder of impaired plasticity
  • Depression and the GABAergic system
  • Rodent models of brain disorders


  • Analysis of long-term synaptic plasticity (LTP and LTD)
  • Short-term plasticity and vesicular dynamics
  • Mechanistic studies of compounds targeting neuronal receptors and channels
  • Applications of neuropharmacological tools to dissect brain mechanisms
  • Analysis of excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmission in brain slices
  • Extracellular field recordings of hippocampal synapses
  • Patch-clamp electrophysiology
  • Preparation of acute rodent brain slices for in vitro analysis