Neuroscience Day

Neuroscience Day

  • An annual event hosted by NeuroCampus Aarhus

Neuroscience Day - Monday 10th June 2024


This year’s focus of the Neuroscience Day will be
When Neuroscience meet Engineering and Computer Science

The Lundbeck Foundation Brain Prize Lecture titled Brains and AI will be held by Professor Terrence Sejnowski, Head of the Computational Neurobiology Laboratory and the Francis Crick Chair, Salk Institute for Biological Sciences, USA, Brain Prize Winner 2024, who is considered a pioneer in the field of computational neuroscience.

By using sophisticated electrical and chemical monitoring techniques and computer simulations, Terrence Sejnowski hopes to gain new knowledge of how the human brain is capable of learning and storing memories.

Join Terrence Sejnowski as he shares his expert insights in this field, broadcasting live from California.



Terrence Sejnowski, Professor Salk Institute for Biological Sciences, USA
Brains and AI

The recent advances in AI have been inspired by how brains compute. What have we learned from language models like ChatGPT? AI is accelerating our understanding of how brains function, which, in turn will enable new AI capabilities, a virtuous cycle.

Hartwig Roman Siebner, Professor Copenhagen University 
When Neuroscience Meet Engineering and Computer Science – A Brain Stimulation Perspective

Invited speakers

  • Nicolas Caesar Petersen, Executive Director, Associate Professor
    Neuroscience Academy Denmark
  • Jacob Blicher, Professor Aalborg University:
    Brain-Computer-Interface in ALS
  • Kaare Mikkelsen, Assistant Professor Biomedical Engineering Aarhus University


Share your research:

The Neuroscience Day will be full of poster presentations and flash talks.

We encourage you to present your research, by submitting an abstract.

NeuroCampus Aarhus welcomes participants and abstracts from ALL AREAS related to neuroscience.


NSD2024 Prizes

  • 2024 Marco Capogna Young scientist prize
  • Best poster prize

PRACTICAL INFORMATION about Neuroscience Day 2024


Sign up:

Date: June 10, 2024

Time: 12.00-17.00

Venue: The Lakeside Lecture Theatres, Aarhus University

Abstract submission deadline: May 31, 2024

Organizing Committee:

  • Hatice Tankisi, Clinical Professor, Dept. of Clinical Neurophysiology, AUH
  • Caroline Søndergaard Bendixen, Advisor at Health Administrative Centre,
    The Faculty Secretariat, AU
  • Rikke Skovgaard Lindhard, Research Group Coordinator, DANDRITE, AU

Neuroscience Day - bridging basic and clinical research

NeuroCampus Aarhus hosts an annual Neuroscience Day for all affiliated research labs and centres as well as for students and other people with interest in neuroscience.  By bringing basic and clinical scientists together, the organisers wish to encourage collaborations and strengthen translational neuroscience research within the NeuroCampus Aarhus research cluster.

Foundations, scientific associations, and patient and professional organisations spanning the broad field of neuroscience are also invited.

Past events

The first Neuroscience Day took place on April 28, 2015. More than 150 researchers and students attended the event at AIAS, AU.

Pictures from the event can be found here.

The second Neuroscience Day took place on May 4, 2016. More than 350 researchers and students attended the event at The Lakeside Lecture Theatres, AU.

Pictures from the event can be found here.

The third Neuroscience Day took place on May 2, 2017. More than 450  researchers and students attended the event at The Lakeside Lecture Theatres, AU.

Pictures from the event can be found here.

The fourth Neuroscience Day took place on May 1, 2018. More than 350 researcher and students attended the event at The Lakeside Lecture Theatres, AU.

Pictures from the event cant be found here.

The fifth Neuroscience Day took place on May 13, 2019. More than 380 researcher and students attended the event at The Lakeside Lecture Theatres, AU.

Pictures from the event can be found here. 

The sixth Neuroscience Day took place on May 6th, 2021.  More than 200 researcher and students attended the event in a interesting new format at Gather.Town. 


For questions regarding Neuroscience Day, please contact:

Caroline Søndergaard Bendixen

NeuroCampus Aarhus
