On May 4, NeuroCampus Aarhus hosted ”Neuroscience Day 2016”. The event took place in the Lakeside Lecture Theatres, bldg. 1250, Aarhus University, and was open to all pre- and post-graduate students, postdocs, assistant and associate professors, clinicians, caregivers, foundations and organizations interested in neuroscience.
Location of venue - map.
The purpose of Neuroscience Day is primarily to bridge the gap between basic and clinical neuroscience, to present the research that is conducted at Aarhus University, Aarhus University Hospital, and the Central Denmark Region, and to foster new collaborations. In addition, we would like to promote the neuroscience research taking place outside Aarhus and to include new interesting research areas. To facilitate this, 3 speakers from Copenhagen, Aalborg, and Odense presented Danish research of the highest international quality.
Foundations, scientific associations, and patient and professional organisations spanning the broad field of neuroscience were also invited.
More than 350 researchers, students, and foundation and organization representatives attended this year's Neuroscience Day.
For questions regarding Neuroscience Day, please contact:
Susanne Schousboe Sjøgaard
Department of Biomedicine
Aarhus University
Ole Worms Allé 3, building 1171
8000 Aarhus C
Email: susanne@dandrite.au.dk
NCA Neuroscience Day 2016. More than 350 people participated.