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Professor Morten Overgaard new member of the Editorial Board of Philosophical Transactions B

- Research

CFIN Professor Morten Overgaard has joined the Editorial Board of Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B.

Daniel Frederiksen Nielsen awarded a Fully Funded PhD Scholarship

Daniel Frederiksen Nielsen

We are pleased to announce that Medical Student Daniel Frederiksen Nielsen has been awarded a Fully Funded PhD Scholarship.

DANDRITE Postdoc Among This Year’s AD/PD™ Junior Faculty Award Winners

Nanna Møller Jensen is a postdoc in Poul Henning Jensens Group. Photo: Benedicte Vestergaard, DANDRITE
- Dandrite

Nanna Møller Jensen was recently awarded the prestigious title of Junior Faculty Award by the AD/PD Committee and will be giving a presentation at the…

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