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DANDRITE’s aim of appointing five top researchers as Group leaders has just become a reality with the appointment of Dr Sadegh Nabavi, whose research…
Professor Morten Overgaard, AU/AAU, head of the Cognitive Neuroscience Research Unit (CNRU) has been recognized by the World Economic Forum with its…
MD, PhD Per Borghammer and Professor David Brooks have received 1.740.234 kr from the Lundbeck Foundation.
The NeuroCampus Aarhus website has moved to this location:http://www.neurocampus.au.dk
Read NEWS and EVENTS about the neuroscience field at Aarhus…
The 10th FENS meeting will be held in Copenhagen from July 2-6th 2016. The planning stages of the organization has startet, and one initiative is to…
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